FutureFish Aquaculture is a renowned solutions provider for land-based Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
with its office in Buesum, Germany.

FutureFish was founded in 2008 by Gerrit Quantz. Since 2017 FutureFish Aquaculture is registered as GmbH in Kiel, Germany.

Designing the optimal RAS for a land-based fish or shrimp farm is challenging. However, with more than 3 decades of experience
in operating and designing systems FutureFish is able to provide farms to its customer that will maintain a perfect environment for the fish or shrimp with full control on the important water parameter enabling economic success.

This Guarantees

Efficient growth performance

High predictability of the production from egg to market

Independence from environmental influences and the possibility of a production closest to markets.

Improved fish welfare

High sustainability with low water and energy consumption, waste water management and small footprint

Biosecurity for increased food safety and traceability

The Founder – Gerrit Quantz

Gerrit Quantz has over 30 years of practical fish farming experience in his own hatchery and marine RAS farms.

Our History

  • Alfred-Wegener-Institute Seawater Laboratories, Bremerhaven, Germany

    Planning and building of new research facilities for polar research (in progress)
  • Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost, Bremerhaven, Germany

    Re-engineering of 3 filter systems within the aquarium to secure the operability
    (in progress)

  • Alfred-Wegener-Institute Aquarium Helgoland

    Planning for the filter systems of the newly built aquarium in the “Bluehouse” on Helgoland
    (in progress)

  • Stiftung Deutsches Meeresmuseum

    Concepts and re-engineering of filtration technology for aquaria for public exhibition
    (in progress)

  • Apollo Aquaculture Group PTE Ltd., Singapore

    Concept and engineering support for 8-tier vertical aquaculture system for marine fish and shrimps in Singapore (2016/2019)

  • Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries, University Hamburg, Germany

    Detailed engineering and implementation planning for 6 new research RAS systems for project “Geomatikum”

  • Swiss Shrimp AG, Rheinfelden, Switzerland

    Planning and construction supervision of 60 tons shrimp farm

  • Cube 2 Pte. Ltd., Singapore

    Concept and planning support for R&D aquaculture facility at Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

  • Thuenen-Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

    Planning and supervision of construction for R&D facilities in new building, Dep. of Fisheries Ecology and Aquaculture

  • Ecco Jaeger Ltd., Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

    Concept, planning and construction supervision for 20 tons tilapia RAS in aquaponic farm

  • CrustaNova GmbH, Langenpreising, Germany

    Planning and construction for a commercial 30 tons shrimps farm

  • ECF Farmsystems GmbH, Berlin, Germany

    Concept, planning and construction supervision for 30 tons tilapia farm as part of urban aquaponic farm

  • Garnelenfarm Grevesmuehlen GmbH, Grevesmuehlen, Germany

    Planning and construction of the first commercial indoor shrimps farm in Germany. Capacity 15 tons p.a.

  • Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Ploen, Germany

    Design and planning of an ultrafiltration for lake water intake for research aquaria

  • Apollo Aquaculture Group Pte. Ltd., Singapore

    Lay-out and planning of RAS system for grouper hatchery, nursery and on-growing

  • Apollo Aquarium Pte. Ltd., Singapore

    Planning of bio secure shrimp farm concept in Vietnam, delivery of firewall container to pilot-scale shrimp farm

  • Fischzucht Tusche GmbH

    Lay-out, planning and construction of new RAS system for carp wintering and pike perch production

  • Arcadia Beteiligungen GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

    Technical due diligence of the fish farming operations of the ASA S.p.A., Verona, Italy

  • GMA – Gesellschaft fuer Marine Aquakultur, Buesum, Germany

    Concept, technical lay-out, realization, documentation for marine R&D station

  • Ziyad Abu Ramadan Consulting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Concept for World Aquaculture & Science Park, Abu Dhabi

  • Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrueck, Germany

    R&D project on the optimization of biofilter media for aquaculture systems

  • Ministry for Rural Development, State of Campeche, Mexico

    Site selections study for aquaculture projects in the state of Campeche

  • Hubei Tianxia Sturgeon LTD., Yidu, P.R. China

    Due diligence on sturgeon farming sites

  • Ministry for Agriculture and Nutrition, State of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

    First pilot – scale indoor shrimp farm with RAS for white shrimp (L. vannamei)

  • Ecomares GmbH & Co. KG, Buesum, Germany

    Concept, planning and building of first marine RAS system in Germany. Species: turbot. Capacity: 100 tons p.a.

  • Founding of company Ecomares GmbH & Co. KG

  • Tech 2000, Cleveland, TN, USA

    Start-up of recirculation unit at PenBur Shrimp Farm, Buda, TX, USA

  • Siegendorfer Edelwels, Siegendorf, Austria

    Installation und start-up of 200 to farm for african catfish

  • Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Fischerei, Institut für Ostseefischerei, Rostock, Germany

    Pilot-project on mass rearing of cod juveniles for stock enhancement projects

  • BUTT, Company for Marine Fishfarming, Kiel/Strande, Germany

    Establishing the first commercial marine fish hatchery (turbot) in Germany